R.I.P Dr Albert Winfield Grant OBE

We are deeply saddened to learn that Trustee and ISCRE founder, Dr Albert Grant OBE passed away. Albert has been involved with ISCRE since its inception in 1977 and we are incredibly proud to have had him with us as a trustee and founder member.

An anti-racism stalwart who dedicated all his life to the campaign for race equality, Albert was also a founding member of both the Ipswich Caribbean Association and the Ipswich and Suffolk West Indian Association. 

Albert was a prominent community leader who, since he moved to the UK from Barbados in 1955 at the age of 21, dedicated his life to tackling racism and fighting to secure equality and justice.

In the face of all of this and the reality of systematic racism, Albert looked outward and thought about how he could make a difference for himself and his fellow Commonwealth immigrants. 

In 1995, Albert was elected Ipswich’s first Black Councillor and Mayor. In addition to his time as Mayor, he served a year as Deputy Mayor, as well as 26 years as a Councillor.

He was passionate about education and he served as a school governor at multiple schools for over thirty years.

His OBE was awarded for his services to the whole of the Ipswich community.

He will be missed by us all.

Albert Grant