Did you know that in Suffolk racist incidents rose by 15% in 2009/10
ISCRE and the Suffolk Hate Crime Partnership offer free training to enable Black and Minority Ethnic Community workers and volunteers to further develop their knowledge and skills to advocate and support victims of race hate crime in their communities.
The free course helps ‘Buddies’:
- To be informed about the range of support services and their public duties in relation to Race Hate Crime
- To further build your skills, knowledge and confidence in relation to advocating on behalf of the victims of Race Hate Crime or domestic conflict
- To improve skills in listening to support for victims of race hate crime & incidents
- To explore issues around racism, race hate crime and other forms of oppression in a safe environment
- To explore how racism affects us as individuals, and how internalized oppression can affect the way we think, feel and respond to life situations and each other
- To be more informed about the reporting systems when supporting others affected by Race Hate Crime
- know the reporting systems of these services which will assist you in your community work
- To develop a shared and unified vision for Race Hate Buddy Scheme for the community groups/organizations in Suffolk
- To help to shape the race hate crime support network