
Black boys in Suffolk are attaining well below their counterparts from other ethnic backgrounds. They are also a high exclusion group. Their lack of educational qualifications and also their experience of school exclusion ultimately  leads for some to a life of social exclusion.

 Some of the explanations put forward for this include:

  • Low teacher expectation
  • Peer pressure
  • Poor pupil behaviour
  • Teacher – pupil conflict
  • Eurocentric curriculum
  • Low parental involvement
  • Stereotyping
  • Racism

Recent research has shown that schools that are effective with Black boys integrate into their strategies and practices:

  1. A whole school approach to raising the attainment of Black boys (and/or Black pupils) which is led by the headteacher
  2. The development of positive relationships between pupils, teachers and parents
  3. The recognition, understanding but more importantly respect for the pupils culture, racial and gendered identities and the wider communities that they come from

Some studies have identified Four Principles of Good Practice Key Strategies
1. A culture of high expectations
Headteacher commitment to the raising attainment of non traditional groups
• Ethnic monitoring
• Displaying pupils achievements
• Community mentoring
2. Respect recognition and an understanding of the multiple needs and identities of Black boys
• Listening to pupils
• Showing respect to pupils
• Conflict resolution skills for pupils and teachers
• Positive behaviour management policies
• Structures to address racist incidents by pupils and staff
• Multicultural curriculum
• An understanding and empathy with adolescence

3. Support and access to a broad, balanced and inclusive pre and post 16 curriculum
• Structured teaching and learning
• Monitoring, tracking and providing additional support
• Homework clubs, revision clubs
• Target setting
• Links with HE providers

4. Partnerships with parents
• Parents groups and associations
• Welcoming school culture and ethos
• Regular accurate reporting of child’s progres