BME Dementia Carers Pilot

Funded by the Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group, the Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic Dementia Carers pilot project organised a series of presentations and events with in local communities to :

  •  Provide information , practical advice and raise awareness about support services and training available to carers of people with dementia
  •  Gather the views of carers and communities in order to identify gaps in services in the local area
  •  Identify the barriers that individuals may face in accessing those services

When you are caring for someone with dementia, it can be all too easy to ignore your needs. It is important you do not lose sight of the fact, your emotional health & well-being matters too.
Remember – the more you take care of yourself, the better equipped you will be to provide high quality care for your loved one.
The project involved people from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities who are:

  • Currently caring for people with dementia at home,
  • An older person caring for a spouse or other family member at home.
  • Caring for older people at home 
  • Currently caring for people with learning difficulties and other illnesses
  • Anyone who feels they might benefit from information and training on dementia services

If you would like more information about the pilot project please contact:
Phanuel Mutumburi
BAME Dementia Carers Pilot Project
01473 408 111
Ipswich Hindu Samaj
Bangladeshi Support Centre
01473 400 081
African- Caribbean Luncheon Club